Research opportunities

Research opportunities in the lab exist in the following general areas

  • microbial systems biology: sugar signaling/metabolism and gene expression regulation
  • genome scale modelling of metabolic and signalling pathways using Flux Balance analysis (FBA) and Petri Nets
  • microorganisms as cell factories for industrial biotechnology
  • increase of the predictability and control of biological production systems
  • self-assembling proteins and moonlighting proteins characterization
  • role of mobile genetic elements in bacteria metabolism
  • investigating novel genetic circuits as potential targets for new atibacterial agents
  • application of synthetic biology for microbial biotechnology
  •  validation of in silico models



  • SONATA BIS no. 2012/05/E/NZ2/00583 (National Science Centre) “Applying systems biology approach for analysis of the glucose signalling pathways in yeast”
  • OPUS no. 2015/17/B/NZ2/01160 (National Science Centre) “Role of mobile genetic elements in bacteria metabolism. Dynamic alpha-helical polymers of Kfr- type plasmidic proteins in organization of prokaryotic mitotic spindle”.
  • NCN